Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Checking in

Hello all!
Sorry it's been so long since the last update. We've made it to Kansas and back and are now getting ready for school. Kerry has a lot of work to do in the mountains, which is a blessing, but also exhausting. He's going to build a shed, finish staining not one but 2-3 cabins, build a deck and possibly put some new plumbing in. Quite the handy man!
I'm working on organizing Gabe's school stuff for this next year, eventhough Kerry is going to be doing most of the teaching. I'm the organizer. :) I'm also working on prepping my courses for this fall. I will have a full scheduled which will be nice, but I feel kind of like I'm learning all over again. I've taught these courses already, but since I was so new last year and we've switched text books I'm revamping them quite a bit. Such is life.
My goal to sew cloth diapers this summer is quickly fading, although I still might get a few done before the little guy gets here. If not, we'll use the flat diapers we have. I do have to say, we have all of the baby clothes, blankets etc washed. They just aren't put away yet. Still, a big feat considering how many we have. Now we just have to hang them up and find a place for everything.
The boys are doing well. Gabe is hanging out. Wanting to go swimming and lately do a lot of crafts. (We spent the other evening gluing buttons on paper and Popsicle sticks). Otto is talking, talking, talking. Not like he was ever quite, but wow! Lots to say and big imagination. (Of course you all knew that, but it seems to be growing.)
We hope all is well with you. We'll try to get some pictures taken and posted in the coming weeks. We're still unpacking a lot so house pictures aren't quite ready. Love you all!


Monday, July 14, 2008

It's a BOY!!

Hello all.
We got our visual confirmation this morning that we are having boy number 3. We are very excited! (The thought of having a girl kind of freaks us out a little. :)). Otto was excited to hear the news as well. Jumping up and down yelling "it's a boy! it's a boy! I like boys!". The boys were able to watch the whole sonogram and they enjoyed it. Gabe was really good at guessing what body part we were looking at. Everything looked good and healthy. Brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc. all there and working like they should. The sonographer works for our doctor 2 days a week and the other 3 days works at the high risk clinic doing sonograms, so she was very thorough. We're measuring right on at 21 weeks.

We also tentatively scheduled our c/s date for November 19 so this little guy will share a birthday with Uncle Brandon and our OB doctor.

Here are a few pictures of the little guy...


Profile 2

Profile 3

Boy Parts

We'll bring the other pictures with us when we come back to visit this Friday. We think he looks a lot like Otto's profile pictures did. We'll have to wait a few more months to find out. :) We'll also bring pictures of our new house. We got all moved in and are slowly unpacking.
We're praising the Lord for another healthy boy and are praying that the rest of this pregnancy goes well. Praise God for new life (and boys!). We are really excited, now if we could just decide on a name...