Sunday, April 24, 2011

It's been a long long week

I think the title says it all. It's been a long long week at our house. We've had one or two sick kids everyday and I don't think I've slept in my bed in 3 or 4 nights. Otto started it last Sunday. I hosted a bridal shower at our house last week. The boys were kicked out to the church for a little while. Otto came home with a fever. It's all kind of a blur from there. Fevers...snot...coughing...more fevers...not sleeping well...fevers...more snot...more not sleeping well...You get the idea.
Zeke got it (still has it), Titus got it (still has it) and now Gabe is coming down with the same blooming thing.
Kerry and I have been alternating holding Titus in the recliner each night so that he can sleep. He's been sleeping in 20-30 min spurts and squirms the whole time. He can't seem to get comfortable. We've been trying the whole tylenol/motrin thing, but it doesn't seem to help very much. His nose is stuffy, he runs a fever and in general just feels rotten.
Zeke tries to feel good. He runs a fever then plays, then sits or naps.
Both Gabe and Otto have taken naps almost every day this week, which is highly unusual. And they've been voluntary. I didn't have to suggest it to them. I'd just go upstairs and find them sleeping. Poor guys.
So it's been a long week. I hate having sick kids. I'm so thankful that it hasn't been the stomach flu, but golly. I don't think I've heard a laugh out of Titus since Wednesday and my normally happy smiling baby has been reduced to a pile of sniffles wanting to be held all day long.
It's been frustrating and hard to deal with this whole mess. We've been through enough tylenol and motrin to stock a pharmacy and Kleenex to stuff a bra.
It's been a long week. We're praying that this week is filled with healthy kids, happy news and is much shorter that this last week. Oh and sleep...lots of restful sleep.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

We've been busy!

Sorry for the long time between posts! We've been busy.
We had a great time in Wyoming with the Plett family. It was so nice to have Alex, Sheri and kids here for almost two weeks to visit. The kids enjoyed playing together and we enjoyed spending time with them.
I just finished teaching my summer courses at PCC. I'll be cutting back to 1/2 time in the fall. We are still trying to decide the schedule, but it looks like I'll just be working one day a week on campus and from home the rest of the time.
Kerry took a photography class this summer and is working on another class before summer is over. He'll only have a few more this fall.
We are getting ready for homeschool to start. Otto and Gabe are both excited to start. Otto more so that he can earn stuff from the "reward box". :)
Zeke is doing well. He's really moving around and trying to stand on his own. He loves to watch his big brothers and tries to keep up with them by crawling just as fast as he can.
I promise I'll work harder to keep up with posting this year. :) I'd like to post more often and keep a "homeschool blog" of sorts to print at the end of the year and add to Gabe and Otto's portfolios for this year. (You can help keep me accountable). :)


Friday, May 29, 2009

We survived

We survived our first year of homeschool! Yes!
We had a great time and are going to do it again next year. We all definitely learned a lot in the process (which is what it's all about right?)I'm starting to shop for some of our supplies for next year online already. I'm looking forward to being home during the day next fall to "school" the boys. :)

A little update for those of you who haven't been following us on Facebook...
Kerry was offered a full time job this fall. He was going to be looking, but the opening was unexpected. It was definitely a God thing and we are very thankful for His control of our lives. I will be able to cut down to a .5 position at PCC. I'll be teaching one class in the evenings and working on Simulation from home during the day. (I'm sure I'll pick up some stuff here and there too). So I get to stay home during the day with the boys (my dream job!) and teach a little in the evenings and work on things at PCC weekends etc.

The family is doing great! Kerry's work at S'cool services has slowed down a bit for the summer, but he's got a few jobs in the mountains this summer. I'm teaching a class this summer at PCC and still teaching online classes. The boys are done with school for the summer.

Gabe has lost 5 teeth total now! He had to lose 3 on the bottom to make way for his TWO new teeth there. He's missing the top 2 big teeth, so there's a big hole there. He's been saving his teeth for when Papa Kevin comes to visit (he's got better connections with the tooth fairy than mom and dad do).

Otto *thinks* he has loose teeth on the bottom. He tells me all the time "mom there's a little wiggle on my bottom teeth." He's doing a great job reading. We made a deal with them to keep them reading this summer so they're working hard.

We're looking forward to heading back to Kansas in a couple weeks to visit with friends and family. Then plans to go to Wyoming for the big Plett gathering!

Hope all is well with you. Love you all have a great next couple of weeks (or until the next time I remember to update) :)


Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's been a while

I know we haven't updated in a while. Trying to find time to post here is harder and harder. :)

Classes for Erin are finished. Now a week of faculty development and nursing department meetings, then I'll be done. I am teaching a summer class on Tuesday mornings. But it will be so nice to only have to go in once a week! Yes!!!

Kerry is getting closer to being done with classes. He's taking 2 this summer and a couple next fall. Things are stretched out a little more than we were expecting, but are trusting that it's all in God's timing.

Our plans for next year are still up in the air. So many unknowns for us. We're praying for guidance and clear direction for our family. We very much want me to be able to stay home and Kerry to work full time. It's just with the job market how it is now it's easy to get worried. But wek now that if it's God's will, He will make a way.

The boys are doing well. Gabe and Otto are getting close to the end of school. Of course everyday is a learning day at our house! :) Zeke has two teeth on the bottom. He's rolling all over the place and working hard to crawl. It's fun to watch the new things he's learning everyday. He wants so much to keep up with the big boys.

Hope things are going well with all of you! Have a great week.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

New update

Hello all!
Things are going well here. Still plugging along. :)
One week closer to spring break and one more closer to the end of the semester. 8 left to go for those keeping count (like me).

Kerry is working on two classes right now. He is still working 2 days a week delivering for S'cool services. He enjoys getting out of the house and I enjoy getting in it. :)

Gabe and Otto are doing well in school. We're starting to look for curriculum and ideas for next year.

Our Monday night Bible study is on hiatus until April. We very much enjoyed getting together with other married couples on Monday nights, but March seems to be a busy month for all of us.

Zeke just keeps growing and growing. He rolled over from his back to front this last week. Gabe thought it was really cool because he saw Zeke do it first.

There really isn't a whole lot else to update. We're pretty boring people. I'm posting a new slideshow of some recent pictures.

Love you all!


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