Well, 9 days and counting until our c-section. So ready to meet this little guy!!
Kerry is doing well. Just finished another class and it starting another one. He's on the downhill stretch it looks like and man are we excited! He's started working on Monday and Wednesday at a business our pastor manages. It gets him out of the house and me into it for a couple days a week. We both enjoy the change. :)
Gabe and Otto are being their usual selves. It's been difficult lately because it's been cold and rainy they get a little stir crazy during the day. It was fun for me to do school with them today and be able to enjoy their energy! They have been working dutifully on picture frames for the new baby to bring to the hospital so he knows what they look like. They also helped put up our Christmas tree this past weekend. We have one upstairs in the living room. Otto put one outside (it's actually the top of one that broke off when we were cutting it down) and Gabe has one that we'll put in the basement (we don't have that one up yet).
I'm doing okay too. Getting bigger it seems by the day. Starting to itch a little bit more, but no where close to as bad as with Gabe. I am getting more uncomfortable and sleeping more than 2 hours at a time is getting to be a thing of the past. This baby feels bigger, but it could be because he's still so high. At my last appointment, the doctor said he's got a big head and that may be why he's not dropping. Great! Not that it matters because he's a c-section, but if he'd drop I'd be able to breathe a whole lot better. The bags are packed at least now, except for Kerry's stuff. We still need to get the car seat in the car and then we should be ready for him to be here. In the scheme of things I know that 9 days isn't terribly long, but it seems like forever! The good news is that my c-section isn't until 12:30, so we don't have to be at the hospital until 10:30. (yay for not getting up at 5am!)
I'm done with lectures at school. I just have a couple of tests to give and then I'll be ready for leave. I'm going to stick around this week and next Tuesday to work on my courses for next semester. I'm going to be teaching OB/peds in Canon City, 1st year med surg and 2nd year med/surg in Pueblo. Hopefully I won't have to do clinicals with a new baby. Three courses is a lot to prep, but 12+ clinical hour days plus driving to Canon may prove to be too much for me.
We're anxiously anticipating the visits from grandparents. My parents are coming this next weekend for a week or so and Kerry's folks are coming the week of Thanksgiving. The boys are excited too and it'll be really nice to have so many extra hands here! Plus my grandparents will be around too, so we are blessed with extra help eventhough we're so far away from Kansas.
We have most everything we need for the baby. The biggest thing I'm lacking at the moment is a good pump for when I go back to school. I have the one from when the boys were born, but I'm not sure it'll last the spring semester with as much as I'll be pumping. Other than that we're set. Mary, a lady I work with, had a very nice shower for me a few weeks ago. It was a lot of fun and I'm thankful she was willing to open her home and host it. I've had several students give gifts to the baby as well.
I think that's really it from our part of the country. It's starting to get colder, but not too bad yet. Please pray for Luke Chambers. He's the son of our pastor and his wife. He's in the marines and is currently in Iraq for the next 6 months and 2 weeks. :) He's doing what God has called him to do, but it can't be easy and we want him and his comrades to be safe. Also pray for a healthy delivery next week. Not that there's anything to be concerned about, but it's always on my mind as it comes closer. I certainly wouldn't object to prayers that I go into labor and he comes early. :) But it's okay if he doesn't too. (sort of). :)
We love you all! Have a great week! I'll try to get Kerry to take a couple pictures of our tree and my ever growing belly so you can see just how big I am. (seriously, I look like a walrus). :) Love you!
Happy Birthday Papa Kevin!!