Saturday, March 15, 2008

I'm off for once on a Saturday!

Hello all!

We're enjoying a Saturday home together. We took the boys to see Horton Hears a Who last night. It was very cute. The boys liked it and so did Kerry and I.

The sun is out here today, but it's still kind of cool. I made verenika this morning and will fry them tonight. I'm planning on making Pueblo Green Chili tomorrow. I figure if I can cook a lot on the weekends then we'll have good leftovers for the rest of the week.

I'm going to be working on getting caught up on lectures this weekend. I start clinicals for my OB group on Wednesday. Kerry has some assignments due this weekend, but only a couple of weeks left of class before he's done for the spring semester.

I was so proud of him this morning! We have a group of Jehovah Witnesses that come around frequently and Kerry talked to them this morning. He didn't "argue", but certainly got his point across and it was very evident that what our beliefs were and how well he knew his Bible. I was very impressed. He's doing a great job with his classes. They're certainly stretching him, but he's enjoying them. Getting a lot of use out of the concordance that he got for Christmas a few years ago!

Have a great day!

Love to all,


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