Saturday, April 26, 2008

Share Colorado Today

SHARE Colorado today was a success! We only had 4 orders total, but it was a good way to start out.
We went to see my cousin Maggie play softball this afternoon. It was very windy and kind of cool, but the boys had fun and so did we. They won their first tournament game so they were happy. She is the oldest on the team, most of her team members are 7th and 8th graders and she's a Freshman so she has to show a lot of leadership.
It's supposed to get down to 24 tonight, so it's going to feel like winter for a little while tomorrow morning. Parts of the mountains are getting snow this afternoon and evening.
I'm working on my last lecture for the semester and will be writing finals this week. I also have careplans to finish grading and evaluations to do this weekend. I'll actually probably work on them tomorrow for a while and then I'm going to Canon City to a "farewell" party for one of our facult members who is quitting after this semester.
We hope to talk to you all soon.

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