Monday, May 19, 2008

Our day

Today was a busy day for us! I had to be at work by 0900 to be on an interview committee for a new faculty member.
Kerry and the boys came to pick me up so they could take me to my doctor's appointment in Colorado Springs. They had a little trouble hearing the heartbeat so we did another sonogram. The reason it was so hard to hear is because the doctor was looking too low! So our little baby isn't as small as he thought. Everything looked good. Baby was moving around a lot, so much so it was hard to get a good "listen" the the heartbeat. It was kind of neat though, the baby put it's hand up and we could see all five fingers and his/her hand. Amazing at 13 weeks!

Kerry treated me out for lunch and then we headed to the mall to look at a couple of things for Kerry. He wanted to get a weight lifting bar for his weights so he can "buff" up. :)

We came home and went to look at another potential rental house, but we didn't like it as much as we liked the first one. We're still keeping our fingers crossed we'll be able to get into that one.

We're getting ready to give Jenny a haircut and bath because it's getting so warm and we're trying to save a little money by not having someone else do it. It might be worth it though when we're done. We'll see. Gabe said he'd brush her teeth.

Things are going well here otherwise. Kerry is still doing well with school, writing papers and doine lots of reading! I'm working on the website for our church. It's definately a learning experience for me!

We love you all and hope you had a great weekend!


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