Sunday, October 19, 2008

30 days...

Well, 1 month from today we will be welcoming our new little baby to the world! Hard to believe, but it seems like a long time from now but at the same time like it's coming up fast. I had an OB appointment this last week. Everything looks good. He's head down (not that it matters), heart beat sounds good and he's running out of room (don't I know it!). He's moving around well and still active, although fewer sharp kicks and more "rolls". I'm feeling okay, although uncomfortable. It's getting harder to sleep at night and I'm tired during the day, but that's to be expected. I'm done with clinicals now which is a relief and I'm coming to the end of one of my lecture classes so that should lighten my load a bit.

Kerry is still working hard at school and home. He's working on his sermon for next week. He'll be preaching on the Holy Spirit and the EFCA's viewpoint. I'm glad I get to go. He's doing a great job with the boys and school. They've been tracking the weather lately, so if anyone wants an update of the current conditions in Pueblo, give them a call and they can tell you! The last little league game is next Saturday. They played a double header this last weekend, and won both games (although technically no one keeps score).

Gabe lost his 2nd tooth on Friday morning. He's waiting to put it under his pillow for when Papa Kevin comes out (he thinks the toothfairy pays more then). He made two touchdowns this last weekend in his games. I'll try to post some pictures after I get Kerry to download them to the computer. Gabe is really enjoying school and learning to write "new" letters. He's learning them in cursive which is just enough of a challenge for him that he finds it enjoyable. He's also doing well in math and in general. We're keeping a notebook of all the work he and Otto are doing, so if you want to see their latest work they'd be happy to show you!

Otto is still his crazy self. He often asks if school is over, he's not much for the workbook kind of stuff, so we're still modifying what he needs to do. He's only 3 so the worksheet kind of stuff isn't as important. He does like drawing his letters on the white board. He's also showing a big interest in music, so we're trying to tap into that as much as possible without a keyboard. He does a lot of dancing and singing. It makes our hearts happy to hear both of our boys singing worship songs in the back seat of the car. It really is delightful!

Both boys are having fun in Awana's this year. Kerry has incorporated their Bible verses into the Bible curriculum during the school week, so they're learning the verses really well. Otto has even started picking up some on Gabe's. We've been having discussions about Moses and Noah and creation. It's amazing how much they know and Kerry really enjoys teaching it to them!!

I have a dentist appointment this week. It is a very long story, but I have a piece of dental equipment (ie file used to drill out for a root canal) stuck in my mouth. So I'm meeting with an endodontist tomorrow to see if he can get it out safely while I'm pregnant. I'm a little nervous as most of you know how I feel about the dentist in general. It's been a rough week as far as my mouth is concerned. I am taking antibiotics (totally safe with the baby) and waiting. My OB does know what's going on so we'll see how it turns out.

Share Colorado is going well as a church ministry. We've seen our orders steadily increasing each month and more so due to the economy as well. We really enjoy providing such a service to our community.

I think that's about it from our end. We're still finishing up the baby's room and I'm planning on making some t-shirts for the boys to wear when they come see him. No we haven't picked a name yet. We are getting it very close to being narrowed down to 2 or 3 options. The boys have a definite favorite, but we haven't decided yet. It is guaranteed to be unique. :)

Have a great week!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to meet my new nephew. I hope these last weeks go quickly and smoothly for you! Tell the boys hi and I love them! I have a box of stuff to send to you, and my goal is to send it the end of this week. Love you all!