Saturday, January 17, 2009

One down...14 more to go!

I finished my first week back at school with students yesterday. Only 14 more weeks to go until summer. :) I didn't even bother counting down to spring break.

Kerry did great at home with the boys. I'm sure it had it's stressful moments, but I couldn't tell. :) Tuesday and Thursdays are going to be my really long days.

We had our first "young marrieds" bible study this last week too. We had two other couples come, not so much young marrieds, but sometimes God puts people in our lives for a reason. We'll pray that He blesses our time together.

There's really not a lot to update this weekend. We're making it. The boys are doing well. Zeke has his 2 month check up on Wednesday. It'll be great to see how much he weighs, I'm dreading his shots though. That's the worst part of well child checks.

I hope everyone is doing well. We'll update with pictures later. Hopefully we can catch a smile from our little guy. It's adorable.


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