Saturday, January 24, 2009

2 month well child check and updates...Oh how they grow!

Hello all! Man do we have a lot to tell you!

Zeke had his two month well child check this last Wednesday. He is now 11lbs 9 oz and 23.5 inches long. He got his first round of shots and seems to be doing okay after that. He didn't seem to have too much pain after the fact, but I hate that part of appointments. He rolled over for the first time on Tuesday. And he's been on the verge of laughing all week. We just can't get any noise to come out. :) Lots of fun smiles though.

Gabe made us feel old this week by learning to ride his bike without training wheels! He was so excited about it and is very proud of himself. So are we.

Otto is doing well too. He had a great time this week doing school outside. It was near 70 most of the week and Kerry took the boys outside to play and do school.

Kerry started his new spring classes this week. He got word this week from his advisor that he'll be short 2 credit hours in May. He'll still be able to walk, but won't get his diploma until December. Grrr. According to our records and the information he was given he should be done in May, but we'll see. I'm encouraging him to do a little more digging to figure out why all of a sudden he's short 2 hours.

I'm doing okay. 13 more weeks to go! My Tuesdays and Thursdays are very long days and I feel like I miss out on so much. Like I missed Zeke rolling over this week which is hard for me. I'm making it, but it's not easy. I'm definitely counting down to the end of the semester, although I do still enjoy my job. We don't know what or where we'll be after May, but a longer break (summer) is welcome and something I'm looking forward to.

We are enjoying our Monday night fireproof your marriage study with two other couples. The boys are still in Awana and Gabe is almost done with his first book. Otto is making good progress too! They're both memorizing one or more verses a week.

We love you all! Have a great week.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

One down...14 more to go!

I finished my first week back at school with students yesterday. Only 14 more weeks to go until summer. :) I didn't even bother counting down to spring break.

Kerry did great at home with the boys. I'm sure it had it's stressful moments, but I couldn't tell. :) Tuesday and Thursdays are going to be my really long days.

We had our first "young marrieds" bible study this last week too. We had two other couples come, not so much young marrieds, but sometimes God puts people in our lives for a reason. We'll pray that He blesses our time together.

There's really not a lot to update this weekend. We're making it. The boys are doing well. Zeke has his 2 month check up on Wednesday. It'll be great to see how much he weighs, I'm dreading his shots though. That's the worst part of well child checks.

I hope everyone is doing well. We'll update with pictures later. Hopefully we can catch a smile from our little guy. It's adorable.


Monday, January 5, 2009

I survived

Well, I survived my first day back at work since Zeke was born. I was pretty proud of myself and the fact that I made it out of the house without crying. :) I think it was easier than I thought because I was leaving him in the capable hands of my husband and not a child care. How blessed we are!!

It was a long day, but we all survived. Every time I called home, Kerry sounded very calm and happy so that made it easier too. It's going to be tough getting back into the swing of things as I have a lot to do, but I'll get there. :)

Thanks for all your prayers today. I'm sure I'll still need them this semester as the days I work will be long ones. Have a great week!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Maternity leave ending...:(

Well, my maternity leave is ending this week and man am I bummed! The last 6 weeks went so fast. Our faculty week back starts Monday and then students come the following week. I'm sure I'm going to be a wreck and calling home at every break. I've really enjoyed my time off to be a mom! I loved having the energy to cook, homeschool, cuddle, play and be here. :) It seems like when I work (at least teaching) that I'm so drained by the end of the day that it's hard for me to come home and give as much as I'd like to. I even enjoying being able to do laundry while I was on break!
(Ok, enough of the pity party. But prayers are appreciated!)

We had a nice Christmas visit in Kansas with family. Zeke got to meet his cousins, aunts and uncles. He tolerated being passed around pretty well. We were all exhausted by the time we came home. A few of us (me, dad and Otto) got to bring the flu home with us. Thankfully it was short lived and Gabe didn't get it.

The boys are still enjoying a break from school until next week. Kerry has had projects all break for school and is working on a sermon for tomorrow. He enrolled in his classes for this spring. The end is in sight! I've been working some on getting ready for this spring semester. Not as much as I should have been, but it's too hard not to use every minute cuddling with my boys. :)

Wishing everyone a happy New Year! Love you all!
