Saturday, March 7, 2009

New update

Hello all!
Things are going well here. Still plugging along. :)
One week closer to spring break and one more closer to the end of the semester. 8 left to go for those keeping count (like me).

Kerry is working on two classes right now. He is still working 2 days a week delivering for S'cool services. He enjoys getting out of the house and I enjoy getting in it. :)

Gabe and Otto are doing well in school. We're starting to look for curriculum and ideas for next year.

Our Monday night Bible study is on hiatus until April. We very much enjoyed getting together with other married couples on Monday nights, but March seems to be a busy month for all of us.

Zeke just keeps growing and growing. He rolled over from his back to front this last week. Gabe thought it was really cool because he saw Zeke do it first.

There really isn't a whole lot else to update. We're pretty boring people. I'm posting a new slideshow of some recent pictures.

Love you all!


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