Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's been a while

I know we haven't updated in a while. Trying to find time to post here is harder and harder. :)

Classes for Erin are finished. Now a week of faculty development and nursing department meetings, then I'll be done. I am teaching a summer class on Tuesday mornings. But it will be so nice to only have to go in once a week! Yes!!!

Kerry is getting closer to being done with classes. He's taking 2 this summer and a couple next fall. Things are stretched out a little more than we were expecting, but are trusting that it's all in God's timing.

Our plans for next year are still up in the air. So many unknowns for us. We're praying for guidance and clear direction for our family. We very much want me to be able to stay home and Kerry to work full time. It's just with the job market how it is now it's easy to get worried. But wek now that if it's God's will, He will make a way.

The boys are doing well. Gabe and Otto are getting close to the end of school. Of course everyday is a learning day at our house! :) Zeke has two teeth on the bottom. He's rolling all over the place and working hard to crawl. It's fun to watch the new things he's learning everyday. He wants so much to keep up with the big boys.

Hope things are going well with all of you! Have a great week.


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