Friday, April 11, 2008

Broken nose

Gabe had his first trip to the ER this week on Wednesday. He fell off the couch and hit his nose on the coffee table. They are pretty sure it's broken, but it looks like it will heal on its own. He's very swollen and bruised today. He stayed home from school yesterday, but went today. We've been giving him ibuprofen and tylenol to try to keep him comfortable. I'll try to post a picture of my bruiser later today.

Things otherwise are going pretty well. I actually have this weekend off, which I'm thankful for. I feel like I've been running on fumes this last week. My grandparents are going to be here tomorrow. We were hoping Jenna would go into labor this week so we could make a quick run back to Kansas to see a new baby. We're still thinking of you Jenna and sending labor vibes this week. :)

I'm enjoying the delights of morning sickness. I've been much sicker this time than with the boys. I have been taking some medicine, but it doesn't seem to be terribly effective. I count it a small victory when meals stay down longer than 30 minutes. So very worth it though. I have my next appointment on the 21st.

Kerry is teaching the kids at Gabe's school about rockets this week and seems to be enjoying it. It's starting to warm up here this week. We had snow yesterday, but it was just a dusting and gone by afternoon time. It's supposed to be up to 80 on Tuesday this next week.

We love you all and hope things are going well. Have a great weekend!

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