Friday, November 14, 2008

5 days!

Hello all! Just a quick update a couple of pictures.

Things are going well here. Kerry worked this week on Wednesday and the boys and I headed to Colorado Springs for my doctor appointment. Everything looks good. Baby sounds good although slowing down in his activity. He's definitely running out of room!
My c/s is scheduled for the 19th at 1230. We have to be there by 1030, I'm really thankful we don't have to be there by 5 am! I gotta have my sleep. Although I'm not terribly excited about going without food for that long. It might make me grumpy. :)

We finished decorating our two Christmas trees today. The big one upstairs has fallen over "accidentally" once, other than that so far so good.

My mom is coming tomorrow and dad will follow next week. It's turned very cold here the last few days. It's been very windy reminding us a lot of Kansas. :) We're supposed to have another warm up this weekend and we'll see what next week holds for us.

So as promised here are a couple of pictures of my belly. I'm not planning on taking anymore before I deliver. I think the black is a little deceiving because I look and feel a lot bigger!

We'll keep you updated and will post pictures of the new little guy from the hospital on Wednesday. (We'll call too of course!)



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