Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sorry so late

Okay, so for some reason we couldn't get into our blog from the hospital internet connection so we're a little late posting pictures. I posted a little slide show of Zeke's first few days in the hospital. Hope you think they're as cute as we do! :)

We are home now and things are going well. Zeke is waking up every 3 hours or so to eat, but sleeps pretty well in between. He was almost back to his birth weight on Monday. I got my staples out today. It's taking a little longer to recover from my c-section this time and I'm kind of impatient so I think I may have been over doing it a little this week. I'll try to take it easy this next week again though, we'll see how that goes!

The boys are adjusting well. Otto is completely in love with his little brother and loves to shower him with kisses and hold him as often as possible. Gabe is a little more cautious, although adjusting well. He's not as baby crazy though.

Kerry is doing well. Trying to catch up on some homework that was missed earlier this week due to our stay in the hospital. Who wants to work on homework when you could hold a baby?! I'm so lucky to have such a helpful and loving husband. He is very much in love with Zeke as am I.

We've spent lots of time after the boys are asleep watching the faces he makes and enjoying his "babyisms". It's such a delight to have a baby around again. Don't worry though, we're not neglecting the big boys either. They've had lots of cuddles, hugs and kisses too. They enjoyed some good wrestle time with Daddy tonight.

Hope all is well. We'll try to post more pictures and updates soon. Right now I have to go stare at my beautiful children. :)

Love to all,

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