Friday, December 12, 2008

3 week update and first smile!

Hello all!
Things here are going well. I've posted a couple new slideshows of some recent pictures. Enjoy!

Gabe and Otto are getting back into the swing of things with school, just in time to take a Christmas break. :) We've been baking some sugar cookies and frosting them. I'm afraid they'll all be gone before we come back to Kansas, so we won't have many to share. Sorry! Otto has had a little bit of a cold this week, he's still got the energy to play, but a stuffy nose so he's kind of crabby.

Kerry is working a couple days here and there. He was in Denver on Wednesday and will be driving to Grand Junction on Monday or Tuesday. It's supposed to get colder and snow some more here so hopefully the weather will hold out before he goes. He's still plugging away at school. Finishing up some projects and such.

I've been doing okay too. My break is going by too fast! I have been trying to get a few things done for next semester so I don't have so much to do after school starts. I'm also teaching a few classes online over break so that's keeping me busy enough.

Zeke is doing great. Still waking every 3-4 hours or so during the night. Growing well. He's got a plugged tear duct like Gabe did so we're doing massage to try to get it to open. He also smiled at us for the first time this week, and we knew it wasn't gas. We actually thought he smiled on Wednesday, but you know how it is, Kerry and I were both "was that a smile?" But this morning he definitely smiled at me while I was talking to him. Kerry was holding him so we both saw it. It was really great because we could see it in his eyes first, they lit up! It was great!!

We'll be heading back to Kansas around the 22nd after my OB check up in Colorado Springs. I think we're going to take I-70 back, but we probably won't be in until later in the evening.

I think that's it for us. We love you!


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