Friday, December 19, 2008

One month old!

Zeke is one month old today. It's gone really fast, even faster when I think about how quickly my maternity leave is coming to an end. I'm so not ready to go back to work!

Kerry made it home safely from Grand Junction, in the snow last week. He drove over on Monday, spent the night and drove back home on Tuesday. It was fun to be able to spend that much time with the boys, but we were glad to see him walk through the door! He's done with work now until early February. Of course, he's still working hard at school! Getting closer to being done...

The boys are now on "Christmas break" from homeschool while we got back to Kansas for a visit. We're looking forward to heading back that direction, praying that the weather holds out. I have a doctor appointment on Monday and then we'll head back after that.

I'll post a couple of pictures of Zeke at 1 month old. Enjoy! See you (some of you) when we're back there. Love you all! If we don't get to see you, have a Merry Christmas and safe break!


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