Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The news is out...

Well, I guess the news is out. We are expecting baby #3 in November. Gabe let the word slip first only after he figured out how to spell b-a-b-y. We're excited as are the boys.

I still haven't told my boss yet, but will do so after I get home from spring break. So this makes for 3 November birthdays. This baby is due on Nov. 26th, but we'll probably deliver on the 19th or shortly before.

I have decided to see a physician in Colorado Springs. Dr. Baer who came very highly recommended from the nurses at Memorial North. I am feeling pretty good. A little sick, but it's still early, so I know more is on the way. :) I had my first appointment this past Monday. Everything looks good so far. The doctor will do a sonogram next appointment, again at 20 weeks and then offers a free 3D/4D sonogram at 28 weeks.

So that's the big happening at our house. We'll be looking for a bigger house so that we can all fit and still have room for the family we enjoy seeing so often. Well, I should go and work on school work . Have a great day!

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