Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Break has begun!

Well, today is the first day of spring break!! I can't say that we're going to be doing anything special today. Kerry is finishing up some homework, right now the boys are watching cartoons and I'm working on school stuff as well. It's supposed to be cooler here today, in the low 50s, so they might get outside later this afternoon.

We'll be packing to come back to Kansas on Monday. We talked to my grandparents last night. They have been at the coast, near Cambria, and are heading back inland to Laughlin NV. They said they'll be there on Sunday. Hopefully some of the snow is melting up at their cabin, but they're always welcome to stay here. The boys sure miss them. Otto had a meltdown when he couldn't talk to them as long as he wanted.

They are getting really excited about coming back to Kansas for a few days. Making big plans to play with the Papas and Grandmas. Gabe is looking forward to seeing Luke, and so is Otto, but I think Gabe wants to hit uncle Luke up for some pool. :)

Well, Have a great day! We love you all and can't wait to see you on Monday.


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