Friday, March 21, 2008


It's finally Friday and spring break has begun!!
The boys have pink eye, so they're both staying home today. Kerry will be going to school today to finish the science part today. The kids will be flying airplanes. I think Kerry had fun, but doesn't want to admit it too much. I'm sure the kids loved him too.
Gabe is bummed because he has to stay home because of "eye crust", they'll be started on antibiotics today. We called the eye doctor who called a prescription in, but the pharmacy didn't have it because it's such a new med.
I will run to the office this morning to get some stuff done before spring break. We're planning on coming home on Monday. Hopefully the weather will hold, it looks like it might snow here this weekend.
We'll check in later today, the boys are up and it's time to eat!

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